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Is there any chance of a volume 4 of tales from the gas station?
In Questions for Jack
How do the books fit into the cannon
In Questions for Jack
Zach Finch
Nov 24, 2020
I'm not Jack, but I'd like to throw my two cents in.(this will contain spoilers/elude to the ending of volume three BTW) I would say that the books are the main cannon, and the blog posts on this site are an extension of the reality that the books exist in... The blog posts that we read are, in a way, actually the posts that Jack talks about in the book. I would be more confident about that theory, but the fact that we don't see any of the things that The Elm Street Irregulars(or T.E.I. from here on out) say makes me question it. Highlight below to reveal spoilers! With the way the third volume ended, I am not to sure anymore. Maybe the "reality" we live in is a result of what happens at the end of the third volume, and I'm not speaking of current events or anything(I chose to escape in my fiction books :/), just the fact that what happens in the books seems to differ slightly from what we read in the blog. Maybe Jack is re-writing the blog from his memory in his new reality(this one). That's why we don't see T.E.I. commenting on THIS blog. It's Jacks most recent attempt at writing the blog after having been erased by certain Beings or events. Maybe he is changing the stories slightly just like Bedside Manor so they are not deleted again by the Powers that Be. This would mean that everything that we read up until the Halloween story takes place in the past in a different reality. This could also explain why Jack choses not to mention B.R. in his blog posts in this new reality... for obvious reasons :) Hopefully you enjoyed my thoughts on this :)
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