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Writer's pictureJack Townsend

Adieu, 2020.

This shall be my final status report in the year of our lord, 2020.

I know I'm going to catch some flack for this controversial opinion, but... I don't think 2020 was that great of a year.

I mean, Alex Trebek and Sean Connery died like a week from one another and we all barely blinked! That sort of thing would have been nonstop news in 2019, but we all sorta just shrugged it off.

I know I'm gullible and "optimistic," but even I realize that all this craziness isn't the fault of some abstract concept like a year. There are no guarantees that 2021 will be any better.

Things are a lot worse than they could have been because a lot of people are stupid. But things aren't as bad as they could have been because some people are trying. I'm hoping that 2021 will have more people trying and less people stupiding.

Anyway, I am extremely grateful for all of you who have helped to keep me sane this year. We had a great virtual convention thanks to VR Chat, and I intend to start hosting occasional meetups and get togethers in the VR gas station so we can all stay in touch safely and remotely. (Stay tuned for more information about VR Gas Station parties!)

And while Covid certainly stalled a lot of creative plans, 2020 was the year my third book finally released! And now... let's just say I have a lot of stuff planned for 2021.

A couple more things to report on:

I'm temporarily suspending the merch shop. Sorry for the inconvenience.

The official gas station Choose Your Own Adventure Story is now up and running. This, too, might turn into a regular thing. Super special thanks to all of the authors who contributed to the beta post. You helped me work out a lot of bugs.

Lastly, I just want to remind everybody that Covid fatigue is a real thing. We're so close to the vaccine, you guys. Let's please just keep trying so we can put this one annoying thing behind us.

That's all I have for now. Thanks so much everybody.

Love y'all.



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Rowan Sapsorrow
Rowan Sapsorrow
Jul 05, 2021

2020 was the year I found Tales from the Gas Station, so the year wasn't a total loss.


Mar 06, 2021

Hey Jack I have read all three TFTGS books and Welcome to Bedside Manor. They were all great reads and I am looking forward to a forth TFTGS, I'm a old guy turning 66 this month. So please don't make me wait to much longer for the next book. No pressure I just need a fix, something that gives me great pleasure to read and nothing does that like Jack, jerry and the crew from TFTGS. Have a great day.


Dimimal Games
Dimimal Games
Feb 23, 2021

So I was at work listening to Vol 3 at work again when I got a phone call from a customer. I tried pausing it with my headphones but that wasn't working so I just pulled the headphones out which usually pauses it. As I answered Jerry's voice came screaming out of my phone "Holly shit balls dood that guy's a mimic!" In pure panic I slapped my phone across the shop and replied "Shut up Jerry!" At which point the customer asked if he should call back later. After I was done with the customer I started to wonder if Jerry was warning me.


Dimimal Games
Dimimal Games
Feb 19, 2021

A month and a half of silence. Jack must be stuck in the Gas station again.

Galaxy Star
Galaxy Star
Feb 23, 2021
Replying to



Guang Lin Jose
Guang Lin Jose
Feb 14, 2021

Is finding vanessa part 2 finished? I'm reading the stories on the blog timeline (incredible stories really) and now I'm seriously afraid of the last part beside the manor I see that you can only read the first part? Are the other parts available somewhere? and finding vanessa 2 is she finished or is she still in hiatus? I have one story left and I get to the second part of finding vanessa. And fear is killing me to know what happens more with Riggins Vanesa and company.

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